For further questions, please write to [email protected]
It will take place from April 16th to the 18th, 2024, at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City, located at Ave. Conscripto 311, Lomas de Sotelo, Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City. The exhibition floor will be open from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday 16, and from noon to 8 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday. Find how to get there here:
Access to the show with an online pre-registration has no cost until April 12. Starting April 13, an online preregistration will grant you three-day access for $200 MXN (approximately $10 USD) and onsite registration during the event will be $250 MXN (approximately $ 12.50 USD)
Online pre-registration can be found on our website. The onsite registration will be setup outside of the show floor.
If you registered early (before April 12th), you'll receive your badge via e-mail as an attached PDF before the show, ready for printing. Once at the event, get it validated for correct QR scanning, and you'll be ready to enter the show. If you register after April 13th, you'll receive a confirmation that you must bring to our registration counters to pay for your entrance and get your badge printed
Your badge will grant you access to the three days of the show, including demonstrations conferences and our co-located event Expo Seguridad Mexico.
Make sure you are not trying to register a second person under an e-mail that is already linked to an existing visitor. If the problem remains, please write to [email protected] with as many details and screenshots as possible, so we can help you.
Follow the instructions detailed on your invitation and register accordingly; if you have any further question, please write to [email protected] including screenshots or a picture of your invitation to better help you out.
Students are welcome on Thursday, April 18th, from 6:00 p.m. until closing. The entrance is valid only for students over 18 years, with studies related to the industry. They must register and present a credential that proves career and age upon arrival.
Our exhibition floor is open from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday and from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, but we have conferences and content which schedules may vary, you can check them on our website.
The venue has parking service at a rate of approximately $32 MXN per hour, and a maximum of $160 MXN in case of exceeding 5 hours of stay. The venue also has a valet parking service.
The venue services can be billed online here or by sending your tax information and the scanned ticket to [email protected]. You can also call the number +52 55 5268 2000 Ext. 5864, Monday through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
For their safety, access to minors, including children and babies, is not allowed. We do not have childcare services onsite.
Any registration, or badge is valid only for professionals over 18 years; you may be asked for identification to corroborate it.
Access to pets is restricted; however, access to duly credited and identified service animals is allowed.
Access with personal photo or video equipment such as cell phones and non-professional cameras is allowed. Professional recording and photography equipment must be accredited as press for entry.
You may consult our exhibitors list and floor plan on our menu.
You may consult our exhibitors list and floor plan on our menu.
We do not have free Wi-Fi access; the Wi-Fi service belongs to Centro Citibanamex and can be hired at their additional services office.
We have various food and beverage options on site; including food trucks, a restaurant and fast food stations inside the exhibition floor.
The venue has wheelchairs; its availability is limited, so we recommend taking precautions.
The venue has ramps, and elevators enabled and giving access to the exhibition floor.
We do not have childcare services. The cloakroom service is available in the lobby, out of the exhibition floor.
Please take advantage of the preferential travel and lodging rates offered to our visitors and exhibitors by our official travel agency.
The venue has a medical service center on the main lobby.